How to Clean Oven Glass (Even When It’s REALLY Dirty)


Is your oven glass dirty? Try this simple and affordable tip for cleaning your oven window without spray chemicals!

Our kitchen looks clean, and it’s hard to hide dirty in a white kitchen.

But, I found a way! I hid it in the oven! The inside of the glass door on our oven was in need of some serious spring cleaning.

ICK! I’m confused as to how the oven glass could even get so dirty, minus that one time we had a sweet potato-marshmallow fire.

The dirty door was super easy to ignore. I only noticed it if we were cooking with guests over. Then all the sudden it was like a giant flashing “CLEAN ME” sign.

Of course, by the time dinner was enjoyed and the company is gone, the oven glass was out of my mind.

I got an email last month from Mr. Clean (not THE actual big bald Mr. Clean, but his people).  I’ll only accept sponsored posts that will bring value to you guys, which generally means brands I’ve reached out to versus the random pitches I receive.  But, I do love Magic Erasers!

When they mentioned OVEN, the bells starting frantically going off in my head. My gosh, could that little eraser fix my disgusting oven door with no spray chemicals?

Spoiler, alert. It works!!!

But PLEASE read the tips below before trying it and thinking it doesn’t work. Using my normal magic eraser process didn’t work for me either.


Because we had years of gunk, including the brief, but scary, fire hitting the door, I did have to use some heavy pressure in places. But, I didn’t use ANY chemicals or cleaners other than the Magic Eraser. And it only took 10-15 minutes of work!

I found alternating between wet and dry Magic Erasers worked the best to get rid of all the grime.If your oven is in anything near the Code Red situation mine was, you’re going to want two Magic Erasers for this job. Similar to a pencil eraser, they break down as you use them. I also recommend working on small areas at a time for the best results. Scrubbing back and forth in a wide swipe across the glass was NOT effective for me.

Can you believe the difference?

I use Magic Erasers in the bathtub and on the white cabinets, but I’ve been missing out on so many other options. So glad Mr. Clean opened my eyes to all the extra ideas! You can pick yours up locally, or just order a big pack on Amazon like I’m getting ready to do.

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