3-Ingredients Oreo Cookies Balls



1 package cream cheese block (8 ounces)

1 package Oreo cookies

16 ounces white chocolate almond bark


-Grab those Oreos and place them inside a food processor, blending them until they become a fine, powdery mixture to try.

-Take the cream cheese and put them into the crumbs, placing everything inside the food processor, blending everything until it becomes almost like a dough.

-Place the batter into the fridge, chilling this for 15 minutes or until the batter gets nice and hard.

-Take it out, and from there roll them into small balls, ideally bite-sized for best results, and then, you can move them to where you want to put them.

-Take a spoon and put them into a baking sheet that’s covered in parchment paper, or properly greased. From there, you want to place them about an inch apart, to make sure that they’re properly put on the sheet.

-Put the balls back into the fridge for another 15 minutes.

-While they’re chilling, get the almond bark, melting it in a microwave-safe container.

-Take each of the balls once cooled, put them into the mixture, and then, pull them out so the excess can drip off of them.

-Put them back onto the same baking sheet again with wax paper, until every single oral ball has the melted coating on top of this. It might take a while, but make sure to give them a little bit of room.

-Set them inside the fridge, letting them chill for about 50 minutes, or until everything is nice and hard.

-At this point, you can decorate the chocolate, or do so beforehand before everything sets. Usually, you can do the decorative coating on these after a dozen of these are made, since that’ll give you enough time to give a nice piece, before the chocolate will settle, and in order to give it the properly look that you want to give it.

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